Your Challenges – Our Expertise
Precision Process Control
Process control and the configuration of innovative process control instruments require thorough insight in 2 areas of technology: sensor technology and valve technology. PCS is uniquely specialized in the combination of both, resulting in a broad expertise in (the automation of) precision process control for a wide variety of process parameters.
The more demanding your process conditions, the more value we add. No matter how complicated or (un)usual your process, we help you control process pressure and other process parameters, such as vacuum, closed volume, level, flow & more!
Picture: Courtesy of ILS
Equilibar® back pressure regulator:
Robust and frictionless control valve, that can be tailored to your needs because of its
endless configuration possibilities.
Sizing, process connections and materials are all selected, calculated and engineered
according to customer requirements.
Pressure transmitter:
We select the most suitable pressure transmitter for your requirements;
or we incorporate the sensor of your choice.
Single valve or Dual valve?
Depending on your needs, we will propose a single or dual valve solution.
Learn more about the differences in FAQ: Single Valve versus Dual Valve controllers
Different process parameters can be controlled!
Although this example shows a back pressure control setup and a back pressure control valve,
we can apply similar technologies to control
forward pressure,
differential pressure,
or flow.
Piping and instrumentation diagram showing an example of automated dual valve back presure control by PCS
Our expertise is your solution
Each project and all our process control solutions start with a deep analysis of your relevant process conditions & application requirements. Understanding all process details – like media, flow rate, chemical compatibility, fluid behavior, pressure and temperature rating – is key. We also consider what level of accuracy, rangeability and dynamic control performance you need.
Based on all this, PCS selects or engineers the best control strategy for your process, no matter how straightforward, (un)usual or challenging the application! We specialize in pressure and process control solutions for the most severe process conditions and often go beyond the capabilities of traditional valves.