High Temperature Series

Equilibar® high temperature back pressure regulators

High temperature in your process can be a difficult issue tackle. Traditional control valves often bring temperature limits that are simply not acceptable in some more advanced or sophisticated (research) applications. With Equilibar back pressure regulators, PCS will help you overcome this problem.

Pressure control valves resistant up to 550°C

Other Equilibar back pressure regulators can be configured to withstand temperatures up to 450°C (see all products), which is already quite high compared to other process control products in the market. But with the High Temperature Series using graphite o-rings and Grafoil® diaphragms, temperatures up to 550°C are even possible!

The ‘standard’ High Temperature models – that are anything but standard, compared to conventional products – still have a rangeability of 1:7.000 or 1:35.000 (see Specifications on the left) and that is significantly more than what users usually get with other products.

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