Equilibar® dome-loaded back pressure regulators offer high precision and repeatability. The back pressure regulator holds its upstream pressure typically within 0,2% of the applied reference pressure in research applications. Setting a stable reference pressure is key to get the most out of the performance of your back pressure regulator. And so, to maximize the performance and outcomes of your process!
There are different methods on how to supply the reference pressure to your dome-loaded back pressure regulator. Before taking a deeper look at these methods, we mention this: To get a good performance of the BPR, it helps to understand that the compressibility of the media that you use in the reference has a considerable impact. Most common methods are therefore based on the application of a gas as a pilot media. In some applications, you can also use liquids.
The first question you need to ask yourself is whether you want to regulate manually (with a forward pressure reducing regulator) or automatically (with an electronic pressure regulator). Both manual control and automated control are explained in more detail below. Pressure Control Solutions offers a range of forward pressure reducing regulators as well as electronic pressure controllers, including both single valve and dual valve controllers.
If you want to deploy your back pressure regulator as a manually controlled system, the solution is very straightforward: You can set the reference pressure with a standard forward pressure reducing regulator.
This will mean controlling the pressure in just a small dead volume, so the consumption of reference media will be 0 during operation of the back pressure regulator. You need to select a manual regulator with a small Cv for good precision. Pressure Control Solutions offers several manual pressure reducing regulators that work well together with Equilibar control valves. Most of these regulators are in stock and have short delivery times. We can add some pressure gauges to the combination to make your pressure controller plug and play.
In the below video we demonstrate using a (manual) forward pressure reducing regulator to set the pressure. This is connected to the reference port of the back pressure regulator and sets the required pressure on the dome of the back pressure regulator.
Note: This explanation is around 0:30 into the video.
In many cases, a manual pilot controller is not suitable or adequate to meet the application requirements at hand. PCS offers a unique range of electronic pressure controllers to enable the automated control of your process control set-up.