Alkaline Electrolysis
Understanding Alkaline electrolysis and the use of dome-loaded back pressure controllers in maintaining optimal operating conditions.
The 2019 March edition of the international “Flow Control Magazine” included an interesting feature. We are proud to share it with you!
Since more than 10 years, Equilibar back pressure regulators have been known as innovative solutions in the field of back pressure control. More recent is PCS’ demonstrated use and application of the Equilibar technology for flow control. The article showcases how our direct-sealing valves offer the same advantages for flow control that they offer for pressure control. It shows that the Equilibar back pressure regulators can solve problems that cannot be solved with more traditional methods.
Because the Equilibar valves are well-suited for processes involving wide flow range, two-phase flow, supercritical states and extreme process conditions, these products are especially popular in fields such as catalysis research, core sampling, gas chromatography and supercritical extraction. Please contact us if you want to know more and wish to discuss your own challenging application with us!
Contact us to discuss your application needs. To read the article, click on the link above or copy it to the address bar in your browser:
Understanding Alkaline electrolysis and the use of dome-loaded back pressure controllers in maintaining optimal operating conditions.
High-precision vacuum control enables advanced solutions for achieving high-precision vacuum control; PCS integrates dome-loaded regulators with electronic closed-loop control systems.
Custom flow controllers | 0.1…5 gr/h | Max 200 bar | 0.1% control stability
PCS & Equilibar will host a joint booth on this leading event in Germany on May 31 and June 1, 2022. Join us there!